10. A Snowy Day 05/01/09

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Early morning, we were up staring out the window at the snow falling. It was a very thin layer of snow - but it was snowing.

We got dressed in our winter woolies and headed out to town. A lot of siteseeing to do and landmarks to visit.

The first landmark, was not just an old historic building but an active church still used today: St. Paul's Cathedral.
Due to the sacred-ness and being a church, photos were not allowed - but I can tell you that it is the most magnificent feeling standing inside the cathedral - feeling the history in your bones, feeling the presence of a higher spirit.

The second, was the famous Tower Bridge. (Right)

Walking over the bridge to the otherside of the river Thames, we went to the HMS Belfast - an old cruiser of 1939. http://hmsbelfast.iwm.org.uk/server/show/nav.00e - follow the link for a full history.
Personally, I am not a big fan of war museums, but if you are a person that likes war history, the Hms is a perfect outing for you.

To end the day off, we went to do a bit of shopping..... at Harrods, one of the most famous luxury department stores known. Everything under one roof.
 And of course there was an after Christmas SALE going on.