7. A Royal Affair 02/01/09

I will admit - that day was ice cold! by the looks of the photo... need i say more.

BUT I insisted on going on the hop-on-hop-off bus tour. Double-decker bus, open top, equals icy wind. As exploring and eager tourists, of course I wanted to sit on the top. To see better! 

We drove through old London - seeing all the old, beautiful buildings. Listening to the tourguide over the intercom telling us the history of London as we drove along. Very interesting, and a bonus that you can get off at any bus-stop if you want to and just catch another bus after you have taken your photos and saw what you wanted. Picking up where you left off with the tourguide, not missing a thing.

Buckingham Palace
We hopped off at Regent Park, by Buckinham Palace. Soon the palace was surrounded by people, tourists of course - all waiting....

for the 'Changing of Guards' ceremony. It is a real big affair. Only happens on even dated-days in the winter. There are horses, lots of men with furry hats and a marching band! It's actually amazing to see the dicipline and effort each soldier puts into the ceremony.Most of all, their pride - you can see they feel honoured to be a part of the Queen's army. You as spectator feel honoured to witness this ceremony. Everything is strategically planned, and each soldier knows exactly what to do and when the timing is right to do it. It was just awesome.